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  From: Rowan van der Molen <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 22:29:45 +0100

Re: Independence -- choose your own path.

At 16:41 30-01-99 +0200, you wrote:
>On Wed, 27 Jan 1999, Aaron Van Couwenberghe wrote:
>>In all, I'm trying to convince you all not to think about public opinion.
>>Nobody ever needed public support to pursue something they personally think
>>is the most exciting idea in the world -- you just do it for fun. Berlin has
>>gotten plenty of negative attention because we are trying to 'change the
>>UNIX way'. But I still keep experimenting with it, because I think it will
>My personal opinion on alternate windowing systems (such as YAX, Berlin, etc
>although I have never even looked at Berlin so I might be way off on that) is
>that they are important and good --- not necessarily for any goal of
>X" (although it may happen if they are real good), but simply because X is
>too bulky for "light" systems such as hand-held's, PDA's etc. These
systems, if
>they are to run OpenSource OS's like Linux, need a light OSS windowing
>Also, anything *new* in the OpenSource world is never really necessarily
>as such (although many new things receive a lot of negative attention) --- so
>long as they are and remain OpenSource, there is generally a form of
>"evolution"/natural selection that weeds all the good stuff out from the bad
>stuff. This means one doesn't have to be as afraid of "bad" software becoming
>pervasive, as it tends to in (for example) the MS world.
>So lately I tend to be reasonably casual about new stuff.
Exactly. You made a point! 

If people don't step aside themselves they'll become obsolete because of
their ignorance.
That's just the way things happen in OS land ;)

Shortly said: their's never a reason to be afraid for ANYTHING in
computerland (OpenSource) .

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