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  From: Rowan van der Molen <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 23:00:26 +0100

Re: C++

At 20:04 1-02-99 +0100, you wrote:
>Rowan van der Molen wrote:
>>>>Is there already a descent C++ library for GGI?
>>>>And if not, is it planned for soon? 
>>>The PenguinPlay 2D part is built on libGGI and is C++
>>>You're very welcome to join in. If you want to have a look at the code,
>>>you can access it via anon cvs (the detailed instructions are somewhere
>>>on our homepage: ).
>>>I can also pack the stuff up and put it on ftp if you prefer.
>>Thank you for being so helpfull ;) 
>If I get a chance to do some advertising I'll grab it ;)
>>Well it ain't that I'm planning to do something. It's just that I'm still
>>busy learning 
>>programming stuff and I ain't willing to learn C++.
>                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>Typo ??
It should be: ain't willing to learn C (at this moment). Thanks for
pointing it out :)

>>I am very interested, however in Penguinplay. Tell me some more about it ...
>Well, the goal is to make a powerful cross-platform Game SDK. That includes:
>* A library of code common to all games. That's mid- to highlevel stuff like
>    - a multiplayer network protocol implementation
>    - 2D sprite / layer / region / ... management
>    - support for file archives (like Doom's WADs)
>    - ...
>  This is mainly targeted at hobbyist game developers and starting game
>  companies, as the existing companieas already have their own code
>  collection. But when PenguinPlay becomes good enough it will propably
>  be also adopted by The Big Ones.
>* A set of applications, like
>    - painting / image manipulation software
>    - 3D renderers
>    - Sound mixing/... soft
>    - 3D mesh editors
>    - ...
>  Some of this will have to be created by us, but most of it will simply be
>  some "Official PenguinPlay xxx application" recommendation. The goal here
>  is to make it possible to make a package of everything game developers
>  will need.
>PenguinPlay was one of the first (if not *the* first) Linux game SDK
>projects. However it suffered for quite some time from both the "much talk,
>little code" and the "big goals, little time" syndromes, making it almost
>disappear. But we're now serious to take the lead again. People are
>interested and the code is coming :)
>(I hope I didn't forget anything important)
>	Christian
>Loading Win95  <**----------> 15% of 70

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