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  From: James Simmons <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 14:03:44 -0500 (EST)

Re: log of attempting to use vesafb with kgicon

> fb1: KGI frame buffer device using 4064K of video memory
> [ is this supposed to use fb1? maybe I don't understand how it _should_
> work... ]

Yes. VesaFB is mapped to /dev/fb0. KGIcon is mapped to /dev/fb1.

> *** OUTPUT OF: cat /proc/fb
> 1 KGI
> [ yay! so now I'm supposed to map console 0 to framebuffer 1, correct? ]

> *** OUTPUT OF: ./con2fbmap 0
> ioctl FBIOGET_CON2FBMAP: Invalid argument
> [ I get similar ioctl errors when I try to use ggi with vesafb. ]
> *** OUTPUT OF: ./con2fbmap 1
> console 1 is mapped to framebuffer 0

This is right. For FBIOGET_CON2FBMAP the consoles start from 1 to

To actuaklly use KGIcon do this.
con2fbmap 2 1.   

This will map your 2nd (Alt F2) console to the second framebuffer which is 
KGIcon. So if you now did a ./con2fbmap 2 its output would be console 2
is mapped to framebuffer 1. Framebuffer devices start at 0. I know this
can be confusing.

> *** OUTPUT OF: ./con2fbmap 0 1
> [ Some extra printfs determine that the ioctl is succeeding ]

This will map ALL consoles to the second framebuffer device (KGIcon).
> *** OUTPUT OF: ./con2fbmap 0
> ioctl FBIOGET_CON2FBMAP: Invalid argument
Of course. You need 1 or greater to represent the console. With zero you
are asking to show what are all console mapped to. It just work this way
for FBIOGET_CON2FBMAP. Now for FBIOSET_CON2FBMAP this tells it to set all
consoles to a framebuffer device.

> *** OUTPUT OF: ./con2fbmap 1
> console 1 is mapped to framebuffer 0
> [ and nothing has changed ]

Hope this helped.

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