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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 22:43:58 +1100

Re: Multiple frames and MM

Aaron Van Couwenberghe writes:

>  	Frames are useful if one application needs access to a number of
>  framebuffers, right? IE, if it wants to have a separate window which itself
>  acts as an independent GGI visual... Or if it wants to be able to swap
>  between multiple screens...

Mainly the last bit, flipping between multible screens.  The main use
for frames is double & triple buffering.

>  	How, then, is the situation handled when you try to allocate more
>  'frames' than the card's framebuffer has room for? Is storage transparently
>  moved to other system resources?

With the fbdev target, there has to be enough video memory for the total
number number of frames, or the SetMode() will fail (and changed
mode.frames to a value that will work).  Each frame is always in video
memory -- no "pretending" is ever done.

>  Also, is it possible to have different modes on different frames within a
>  process?

No, each frame is identical.

_____________________________________________  ____
                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>       \/

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