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  From: Tristan Wibberley <>
  To  : <>
  Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 11:14:35 +0000 (GMT)

Re: libggi and the mouse

On Thu, 11 Feb 1999, Raphael Zimmerer wrote:

> I use the fbdev target and the x-target.
> I stated that the mouse on the two targets releases different events. 
>   - in the x-target never the event "evPtrAbsolute" occurs,
>   - in the fbdev target never the event "evPtrRelative" occurs.
> Is this behavior normal? 
> In the x-target a mousepointer is displayed, in the fbdev not.
> If I implement in my aplication a mouse-pointer outgoing from the fbdev
> target, then there are two mouse pointers in the x-target.
> It seems to be practically to have either in libggi a mouse-pointer
> function or at least an option, which switches off the mouse-pointer in
> the x-target.

I am of the opinion that the pointer should be switched off for all
targets when the visual is openned. If someone wants a pointer they can
draw it, or wait for Marcus' pointer code.

Of course, if someone creates a GGI visual in an existing X window then
the pointer should be left in the state that the programmers calls to Xlib
left it in.

> Is a support for mouse-pointers planned?



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