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  To  :
  Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 22:48:42 +0100 (MET)

Re: STB and S3 tech specs

Hi !

> I expected as much.  I'm willing to sign an NDA if necessary, though it
> will suck not being able to have the massive peer review that open source
> development would give me.  I'll probably want to recruit a couple of
> able kernel/driver hackers to at least look over my shoulder on occasion.
> If anyone out there is comfortable with signing an NDA and acting as a
> sort of *sub contractor* on my driver efforts, that would be cool.  I'll
> be doing the work under the name of my corp GLACI, Inc.  What problems
> might I encounter supplying binary only drivers for GGI?  

Actually none. We explicitly changed licensing and stuff to allow for that.

> Please keep in mind that the last time I did any kernel hacking it was 
> on NIC drivers for FreeBSD... 

Oh - you are familiar with hacking FBSD kernel ? Care to make a FBSD kernel
layer ? I'll gladly help you, if you need advice or something.

> This will make it tough to do non i386 linux targets.  Damn.

Hmm - I suppose we'd find people to give you access to other archs so
you can recompile your driver there.

CU, Andy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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