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  From: Jeff Bachtel <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 15:06:51 -0600

Re: LibGGI on Frame Buffer (Permedia 2)

Just for reference (and no, I haven't been able to give it an extensive
test), the latest permedia2 kernel diff's _do_ work on a firegl 1000 pro,
at least to the extent of showing a penquin on bootup. there anything cool that can be done with a working fbcon device?


> Although, unless you d/l the newer version from
> it does not make it into the menuconfig(on x86 and alpha platforms).
> Also, is this driver knows to work with FireGL 1000 PROs? Also when is the KGI
> driver going to be checked in, there was a binary only for the permedia II a
> while back, why wasnt that source at least checked in to the cvs tree?
> Adam D. Scislowicz

Jeff Bachtel
Network Availibility Center, CIS TAMU
finger for PGP key

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