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  From: Aki M Laukkanen <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 1 Feb 1999 22:53:49 +0200 (EET)

C&T driver

I finally got around to trying to compile the Chips driver on a box
running kernel 2.2.1:

 * references to text member of the kgi_modereq structure
 * using the obsolete pci interface from <linux/bios32.h>
 * Chips ramdac wasn't selectable.
 * Makefile troubles

Well, nothing too hard so I got it to compile but insmod kgicon.o
produces only a very black display. I can still reboot just fine

/var/log/messages (edited):
kernel: Chips & Technologies chipset driver$Revision: 1.7 $
kernel: pll_best_state: enter - clock: 25175000
kernel: fout = 25174820, fvco = 50350000, mul = 80, div = 91, p = 1, psn = 0
kernel: pll_best_state: exit
kernel: KGI monitor driver rev $Revision: 1.11$
kernel: Chips 655xx ramdac driver$Revision: 1.8$
kernel: Chips 655xx clock driver$Revision: 1.7$
kernel: Chips & Technologies 65554 driver loaded.
kernel: error: kgifb_set_var: Unsupported bpp '1'.
last message repeated 8 times
kernel: error: kgicon: Cannot find any usable video mode.
kernel: Chips 655xx clock driver removed.
kernel: Chips 655xx ramdac driver removed.
kernel: Chips & Technologies chipset driver removed
kernel: exit_kgi: Finished.

I just wandered what the status of this code is? It doesn't seem to
have been updated lately. If no one is working on it I wonder if
somebody could give it a short look (code review) to give me some
pointers or advices how to get it clean (architecture wise)
and working? It seems there's enough material available (SVGALIB,
XFree86 and kernel sources and the docs at C&T site) so I know
this won't be a problem.

I put the diff against CVS here:

However it's kind bad in the respect that I went over the whole 
driver source and 'prettyfied' to my liking so you don't see the 
real changes (which there aren't much - see above).


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