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  From: Mike McQuade <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 08:43:55 -0800

Re: STB and S3 tech specs

Warning: the following is a rant.

You have to wonder about these hardware manufacturers,
they make their money off of hardware don't they ?

Why do some of them shoot themselves in the foot
by withholding technical information from the fastest
growing market in technology.

I suspect the lawyers are telling them "protect
your IP", what a crock, wake up people, your product
has such a short life span, it doesn't matter.

Like any one video chip company has market share,
or a serious lead in technology ?

Maybe they have yet to realize the 20+ million PC
market (expected to be 50+ Million by Jan 2000) that
they are missing ?

"IDC estimates there are up to 20 million Linux users. 
It expects the number to grow to 50 million by next January"

Im not too happy about this disturbing S3 information,
right now I am designing a new system (OEM application)
that will need PanelLink and a TFT display. One
of the few cards Ive found that offer a solution has
an S3 ViRGE/MX LCD chip on it.

Sorry for the rant, does anyone know if this S3 Virge/MX
funcitons at all with GGI, or with the Vesa Frame Buffer ?

Or do I need to try and find another solution ?




-----Original Message-----
From: Andrea Venturi <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, February 11, 1999 8:20 AM
Subject: Re: STB and S3 tech specs

>Thad Phetteplace wrote:
>> OK, I've had zero response from both STB and S3 in requesting technical
>> information on their cards.  They both supply email addresses for
>> 'developer relations' on there web sites, but don't seem to have a
>> person reading the mail.  I'm digging out the letterhead and
>> resorting to snail mail.  Lets hope they don't require a NDA.

> they do require NDA

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