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  From: Thad Phetteplace <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 06:17:10 -0600 (EST)

Re: STB and S3 tech specs

> 	Probably a good move as far as getting anyone to read your 
> request, but you can forget about getting any documentation without 
> signing an NDA.
> > Lets hope they don't require a NDA.
> 	They do.
> Jon

I expected as much.  I'm willing to sign an NDA if necessary, though it
will suck not being able to have the massive peer review that open source
development would give me.  I'll probably want to recruit a couple of
able kernel/driver hackers to at least look over my shoulder on occasion.
If anyone out there is comfortable with signing an NDA and acting as a
sort of *sub contractor* on my driver efforts, that would be cool.  I'll
be doing the work under the name of my corp GLACI, Inc.  What problems
might I encounter supplying binary only drivers for GGI?  Please keep in
mind that the last time I did any kernel hacking it was on NIC drivers
for FreeBSD... back when it was still 386BSD.  I'm still coming up to
speed on linux and GGI.  Hmmmm.  This will make it tough to do non
i386 linux targets.  Damn.

In the mean time, what is the current top choice for linux friendly
3D accelerated cards that we DO have specs for?



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