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  From: Evan Martin <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 17:41:17 -0800

Keyboard input

I'm developing a game using ggi. (Let's see if I ever finish!)

The main loop checks and responds to keyboard events, using

My problem is, I need to determine whether a key is down on each
iteration of the loop.

If I use ggiEventPoll followed by ggiEventRead, it is possible for
multiple key events to become queued up, making control unusable.

Currently, I do the following:

if (ggiEventPoll(vis, emKey, &tv)) {
	ggi_event ev;
	do {
		ggiEventRead(vis, &ev, emKey);  //eat multiple events
		tv.tv_sec = tv.tv_usec = 0;
	} while (ggiEventPoll(vis, emKey, &tv));
	// parse key 

But even with this, holding down a key causes an inital event (KeyPress)
followed by a delay, and then a succession of events (KeyRepeat).

The delay makes the control seem laggy.  

I'm using the X target.  I fear this problem may be caused by X 
handling events...

Is there a better way, or way around this?

Evan Martin - -

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