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  From: Rodolphe Ortalo <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 00:11:14 +0100 (MET)

Small bug


I think I've spotted a bug in libggi/ggi/events.c (CVS version).
In my version it showed:
 ggi_event_mask ggiEventPoll(ggi_visual *vis, ggi_event_mask mask,
 ^^^  [...]
 ggi_event_mask ggiGetEventMask(ggi_visual *vis)   
Of course, in ggi/ggi.h, the header indicated a gii_event_mask, not
a ggi_event_mask.

I widely accepted the risk of being slapped very hard with a very
wet haddock, and committed the correction to CVS.
But, as I've not touched libggi for a while. I warn everyone. ;-)
If I really made a big mistake, send me a haddock. (BTW, haddock
is very good you know? My girlfriend tried to cook one last week
as I've frequently spoken of that beast while playing with the
computer... And well, it was very good.)

Bye, see you when gwt/events.c's committed also... (Maybe one day..)


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