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  From: Aki M Laukkanen <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 08:48:49 +0200 (EET)

Re: Console Drivers -- Question Re: Linux 2.2 series

> If you have VesaFB running on a card and then try to insert a KGI
> driver for the same card success is just a lucky coincidence.
> Having two kernel drivers banging on the same hardware at the same
> time is as asking for trouble.

Excuse me, vesafb is hardly banging any hardware. The whole idea is that
the mode is already set before Linux starts booting so it could be done
in real mode. The requirement for KGI drivers should be that they could
initialize te card to their liking no matter from what mode (text or
not) the card is currently in.


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