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  From: Geert Uytterhoeven <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1999 20:23:52 +0100 (CET)

Re: LibGGI on Frame Buffer (Permedia 2)

On Mon, 8 Feb 1999 wrote:
> > Problem: LibGGI demos don't run correctly on my FB, runs fine in X.
> > (running /libggi/programs/demos/demo)
> > In X, the demo runs properly, ie: I see boxes, text, and
> > lines. In the FB, the screen is blank, and I see some graphics
> > action in the first row of pixels across the top of
> > the screen. There is nothing in the rest of the screen.
> This sounds like a "stride" problem. I.e. the "distance" between two
> rows on the screen might be reported wrong.
> However this is probably a fbcon driver problem, as LibGGI runs
> reportedly fine with VESAfb and Matroxfb.
> > I know that the Permedia 2 won't run as a VesaFB, something
> > to do with not having a Linear frame buffer.
> ??? The Permedia2 AFAIK has a linear framebuffer. It might just be, that
> your VESA Bios doesn't support it.

He's using the real pm2fb, not vesafb.

> > Im using the latest (Beta) version of the FB code for the
> > Permedia 2, in the Linux Kernel version 2.2.1
> Do other fbcon applications like XF86fb run ?

On PPC (APUS) it's known to work.



Geert Uytterhoeven           
Wavelets, Linux/{m68k~Amiga,PPC~CHRP}
Department of Computer Science -- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven -- Belgium

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