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  From: Aaron Gaudio <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1999 09:25:53 -0500 (EST)

GGI3D and CORBA (was Re: libggi3d)

And lo, the chronicles report that Graeme Gregory spake thusly unto the masses:
> IDL and CORBA are seperate concepts. IDL is purely used to define the
> interface to something.

But is there any IDL compiler that is not associated with an ORB? My
understanding was that if I compile my IDL with something like ORBIX or
ORBit, the implementation parts of the IDL compilation will use the ORB.
Since preferably I'd be using the interfaces defined and not the implementations
how could I avoid going through the ORB service?

>Doesnt even have to be C++ Ive used IDL to C
> compiler before. In its lowest form it just generates the .h files and
> therefore the type checking for interfaces. If you have a fancy ORB etc
> etc then IDL can be cleverer and generate the bizarre headers that go with
> it. Also in the definition of CORBA is the concept of your "objects" being
> local to you in the same address space. When this happens the calls are
> not passed through the fancy ORB stuff.

This is the part I don't know about. Could you does CORBA
know if I'm in the same address space, if I'm using the interface objects
and not the implementation ones...or do I have to use the implementation
objects directly?


| Aaron Gaudio          |
|                              |
|      "The fool finds ignorance all around him.                     |
|          The wise man finds ignorance within."                     |

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