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  To  :
  Date: Sun, 7 Feb 1999 06:55:04 +0100 (MET)

Re: I have seen the stars... at Creative!

Hi !

> Changing /etc/ automaticly is _evil_ from a security
> perspective. But we should have a note in the INSTALL file that
> tells you that this might be necessary, and maybe even add a message
> saying so when you run 'make install'.

Yep. We could as well add a "make fix-ldconf", and tell the user to invoke
it, if we detected it is necessary.

> Having autoconf in libggidemos would be a bad thing as it would
> suggest that the programs in there are actually something we want
> people to use. ;)
> Basicly it's just a playground for developers.
> libggidemos/3d.c should really replace shmdemo.c in the next LibGGI
> release though.

Yeah. Seems stable now. And it's really our "flagship demo" regarding
showing off, what coooooool thing LibGGI can do.

CU, Andy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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