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  From: James Simmons <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 22:33:19 -0500 (EST)

Re: [linux-fbdev] Accel or not accel in kernel! (fwd)

> Sounds good to me: the 3dfx cards that don't support 2d but do support 3d
> would benefit. But then you end up with multiple /dev/gfxs: one for 3d and
> one for 2d. Is that the idea?

/dev/gfx is accelerator device driver. It thinks in terms of accelerator
registers not 2d or 3d.

> Question: what does this do for YUV support?
> YUV support is an area of memory that takes data in YUV format, and
> a chromakey in the frame buffer determines whether you see the frame
> buffer or the YUV buffer. It's used to speed up MPEG display (eg used
> by DVDs)
> Will this be in a seperate YUV area -- would make sense for the Diamond
> DVD card for instance which takes the output of a graphics card  adds the
> mpeg
> picture into the video frame.

Hum. This sounds like a /dev/bttv issue not a accel issue.

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