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  From: Sengan Baring-Gould <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 14:55:22 -0700

Re: [linux-fbdev] Accel or not accel in kernel! (fwd)

Marcus Sundberg wrote:

> Sengan Baring-Gould wrote:
> > Sounds good to me: the 3dfx cards that don't support 2d but do support 3d
> Ehum, please define "support 2d". ;)
> 3dfx cards have a linear framebuffer and they support lines and area
> fills, so I wouldn't say they don't support 2d, even though they are
> not designed for it.

Hmm... Someone at work was going on about how he had 3 cards in his
machine -- one for 2d, one for 3d (3dfx) and one for DVD + the Banshee
is supposed to be all so cool because it's got 3D+2D support. So, I assume
if it supports 2d, it doesn't do it too well, or there would not be that much
fuss about it.

Do you have more details on this?


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