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  From: Joris Mak <>
  To  : '' <>
  Date: Mon, 1 Feb 1999 09:59:34 +0100

matrox millennium support

I'm using the matroxfb driver from the kernel for a while,
and it works fine except in 320x200 modes...
If I set it with fbset (-xres 320 -yres 200 -depth 8 or -depth 16 or something else), 
it sets some sort of mode, but It looks like 320x400 mode, but with a virtual y of 200,
totally screwed up... Every GGI program/demo that I try to run in 320x200 exits with signal 11...

So, next step was the kgicon driver. It compiled well. When i tried to insmod it, my monitor loses sync
and my system locks up. Next I tried insmod kgicon.o ramdac_mhz=135, now my monitor don't loses
sync, but the screen is black and my system still locks up.

I will send the first part of this message also to the author of matroxfb-driver, but I don't know if this/these
problem(s) are known. If somebody got his card working in some 320x200 mode, please let me know...

	joris           (

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