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  To  :
  Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 02:06:57 +0100 (MET)

Re: Console Drivers -- Question Re: Linux 2.2 series

Hi !

> I apologize -- I am sure this is a RTFM question, but I can't seem to locate
> the answer.

> If I compile a Linux 2.2 series kernel using the fbcon code, am I all set to
> use the GGI graphic drivers?  

Basically yes.

> I.e., originally I would apply kernel patches from degas, compile the 
> kernel, then compile specific console drivers for my graphics card.

This is currently not needed. Our KGI drivers "masquerade" as fbcon drivers
and can be loaded directly as fbcon drivers.

> I am now running using the GGI fbcon code, but how do I
> access the graphic features of the console?  

You just run one of our demos. They should work.

What have you done up to that point (commands ?) ?

> Do I need to compile a specific graphic driver using the degas sources 
> -- and if so, how does fbcon know what/when to load it?

It doesn't know. You do for it.

Short description:

make a kernel with fbcon support. Compile in _all_ renderers, do _NOT_
compile in any fbcon driver from the kernel (like VESAfb).

Go to kgicon/kgi and follow the make instructions. Try VGA driver first.

insmod kgicon.o

Now your screen should switch to an ugly 640x400x1 mode.
You should now be able to run the demos. Maybe you need to force the mode
like with GGI_DEFMODE="320x200[P8/8]".

CU, Andy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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