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  From: Brent Fulgham <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 14:00:14 -0800

Console Drivers -- Question Re: Linux 2.2 series

I apologize -- I am sure this is a RTFM question, but I can't seem to locate
the answer.

If I compile a Linux 2.2 series kernel using the fbcon code, am I all set to
use the GGI graphic drivers?  I.e., originally I would apply kernel patches
from degas, compile the kernel, then compile specific console drivers for my
graphics card.  I am now running using the GGI fbcon code, but how do I
access the graphic features of the console?  Do I need to compile a specific
graphic driver using the degas sources -- and if so, how does fbcon know
what/when to load it?



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