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  From: Peter Danielsson <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 03 Feb 1999 12:23:43 +0000

compile errors!

I'm in the process of compiling libGGI for an ARM-based platform,
and some things doesn't compile at all. The thing I am stuck on
right now is linux_kbd.

The file input.c in gii/input/linux_kbd includes a couple
of files from include/linux and on the ARM platform this
gives a conflict for the FD_* macros. It seems that the kernel
headers use an implementation of the fd_set structure that is
different from the one in glibc (2.0.110). (The bit-array is
called fds_bits int the kernel while glibc calls it __fds_bits.
On intel this doesn't show, since some nifty pointer and assembly 
magic is used in the kernel version of the FD_* macros. The macros
has another definition on the ARM-platform...)

I've already spoken to people responsible for glibc on ARM and
been told that mixing kernel headers with libc is asking for


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