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  From: Brad Midgley <>
  To  : Jason McMullan <>
  Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 10:19:02 -0600 (MDT)

Re: multi adb keyboard


was the input api reorganized? the ggi_console cvs source currently has no
mention of the calls you listed.

i will wait for this and for your preliminary adb work.

who else on the ggi_cons team works with powermacs? just jason?


>   Yes - that would be wonderful! My latest kernel patch (which 
> I'll try to get out tonight) has the beginnings of some work
> on the Mac mouse and keyboard driver. This are much simplified
> for input device writers now:
>   a) On device init, call `ev_input_create("device-name")' and
>     store the handle you get back for each device you want
>     to manage (ie, all 16 ADB addresses, etc)

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