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  From: Brad Midgley <>
  To  : Jason McMullan <>
  Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 19:25:09 -0700 (MST)

architectural overview


> > what is the best document to look at for an intro to the
>   My Linux-Expo '98 paper should do the trick:

i wish i had talked to you at the expo... argh.

i've been looking at this and the other stuff i have from you and i think
i have a good picture of how things work. a few questions:

is there an fbdev scroller? has it been started?

when an app writes to /dev/graphn, does the eventual interaction with the
display circumvent the scroller? 

your diagram shows the tty device (for reading) appearing after the tty
emulation layer. is that correct? why isn't it positioned just after the
keymap filter?

can writes to /dev/eventNN cause vt switches or the reboot sequence? (ie,
at what point do the events get inserted back into the stream?)


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