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  From: Denis Oliver Kropp <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 6 Aug 1999 21:45:13 +0200

Fwd: Lucky Matrox Man

I added Matrox acceleration to ClanLib's FBDev Implementation.

Great thanks to Marcus Sundberg!

----------  Forwarded  ----------
Subject: Lucky Matrox Man
Date: Fri, 6 Aug 1999 21:19:52 +0200
From: Denis Oliver Kropp <>


I commited the first version of the matrox accelerated FBDev Implementation.
It can accelerate solid rects and solid blits. Transparent blits are solid for now,
but this will change tonight. Now the results:

Celeron 333A, Matrox G400 Standard 16Mb Single, FBDev Impl. (of course ;-)

ClanBomber(800x600x16):	724 fps !!!
Pacman(640x480x16):		433 fps ! (mmh, nasty game code ?)

Please tell me your results! Run with big level and two players doing nothing, wait 5 seconds after
the players "jump in", press F1 for fps display or F3 for writing fps into cout stream.

The way it works:
The implementation allocates two frames for doublebuffering.

It tries to mmap the mmio area.
	Every loaded surface is linearly put into the framebuffer after the second frame.
	blit_noclip loads the cards registers with start and end address of the surface.

fisk: I solved the initialization problem; changed one code line for your Millenium II, try it!

-implement colorkey blits
-check for mga cards and not only for mappable mmio
-check for ATYPE_BLK

-implement alpha rects ;-)
-implement scaled surfaces ;-)))

ClanLib now is the fastest library for games' graphics if one has a Matrox with
matroxfb. And it is very high-level and comfortable though!

BTW: You don't need ggi for this, I "took" some code from it ;-)
	Thanks to Marcus Sundberg!

You only need a kernel, a Matrox, matroxfb ;-)

Denis Oliver Kropp (dok)
+ Fischlustig +

ClanBomber, the kick ass game that uses kick ass Clanlib.

Justice, n.:        A decision in your favor.

Denis Oliver Kropp (dok)
+ Fischlustig +

ClanBomber, the kick ass game that uses kick ass Clanlib.

Justice, n.:        A decision in your favor.    

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