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  From: Andreas Beck <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 23:18:57 +0200

Re: Futuro de GGI

> I've seen in the mails that XFree Project is not very interested in GGI
> (I think this is a mistake indeed).
> Could somebody explain why this no interes?. Do XFree developers think
> GGI is no technically adecuate?

There was quite some disagreement with some XF developers in the past, and 
that and other facts (like our less than optimal public relations work in
that area) led to quite some misinformation being spread in public and in
the kernel and X related groups.
I really hope we can rectify that situation. I have sent mail to the two
XFree developers that were mentioned in the recent forwarding in the hope
that one will forward it and set some things straight.

Hope this works out.

> Sorry for my bad english, I'm a spanish boy that didn't write english
> text for a long time... :-(

*grins* For that it's pretty good, better than my Spanish I suppose.

Hasta ma~nana, 


= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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