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  From: Andreas Beck <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 18:22:23 +0200

Re: Freeze in _ggi_clip2d()

> It looks like the problem was a numerical overflow in the calculations in
> _ggi_clip2d().  So it could probably be reasonably blamed on me.  But if
> you'd be interested, I could look at checking for this possibility and
> doing the clipping in a different way to avoid it.  

That would be good. If LibGGI clips wrong, that's an error. 
Though you probably had a bit of an extreme case.

> It would probably be
> slower, so there'd be a fast path clip with the current algorithm and a
> slow path if an overflow would happen.  Interested?  

Yes. But please note, that LibGGI (as one of the few graphics libs that do
so) claim to draw _exact_ lines, which is very important for HW support.
So it has to do _exact_ clipping as well.

CU, Andy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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