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  To  :
  Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 10:20:28 +0200 (MET DST)

Re: Problem running ggi...

Hi !

> But when I decided to give it a try by compiling and running the demos
> found in libggidemos, I rapidly run into problems. The only thing I get
> out of it is a beautiful segfault...

Hmm - this is strange. You are the second one to mention a segfault 
right after starting - maybe something broke in CVS ?

> So I add -g swith to the CFLAG of the Makefile demos and ran gdb against
> it to find that the problem is when opening the display in a ggiOpenVL
> (or kind of sorry it hangs my machine completely so I've lost the debug
> info!!!)

> So here's my config Mandrake 6.0 (modified RedHat 6.0) kernel 2.2.12 and
> glibc 2.1 a Matrox Millenium II card.

That should work as a charm. However you should definitely _not_ use the 
SVGAlib driver. The Matrox cards are nicely supported by either the kernel 
fbcon device, or the kgicon module.

> I saw in the documentation that there's a drop in replacement for
> SVGAlib is it needed in order to get better results than a segfault.

No. Though I suppose SVGAlib is the source of your problems. I do not have 
any data on what works with it, and what not, but if you have a better
alternative, you should never use SVGAlib.

The library you are talking about is our SVGAlib wrapper. And it is kind 
of a drop-in replacement, but not in the sense that you probably expect:

It will redirect SVGAlib programs to use LibGGI. If you install it without 
having an alternate driver in place, that is useable from LibGGI, you won't 
gain anything.

LibGGI itself does not drive hardware. It just uses a bunch of existing 
systems to do that. SVGAlib is the "last resort" option for this.

Please configure the kernel fbcon device for your Millenium or use the 
KGIcon driver.

For starters, you can also simply start up X and run the GGI programs 
in a window.

CU, ANdy

Andreas Beck              |  Email :  <>

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