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  From: Philipp Gühring <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 22:56:04 +0200

RPM, Please help


I tried to generate a RPM package of libgii and libggi, but I failed.
I fetched libggi-2.0b2.1.tar.bz2 and libgii-0.6.tar.bz2, converted
them to .tar.gz (bunzip2, gzip), and gave them to
Then I extracted them, and buit them:
tar xvzf ...
cd lib...
make -n install | autospec -i >lib*.spec
rpm -b a lib*.spec

But it does´nt work.

Please help me. I need binary packages from the ggi and gii libs for
i386 platform. If anyone could pack those .rpm´s and sent them to me
today, it would help me a lot.

Many greetings,
~ Philipp Gühring    
~  ICQ UIN: 6588261

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