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  To  :
  Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 14:41:42 +0200 (MET DST)

Re: FW: ggi problem???

HI !

> Hi. I have a problem but I don't know if it has something to do directly with
> ggi (I'm a Linux newbie). 

We will see.

> I downloaded DOOM LEGACY and it requires libggi and libgii, so I 

Hmm - where is that lying around ? Maybe it's a problem with the application.
Is it a binary or source. 

> downloaded the sources and installed them doing "configure" "make" and 
> "make install". 

O.K. - no errors or warnings on that ?

> When I cd to the Doom Legacy directory and ran the game I got the message
> "can't load" so I typed:
> "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/loca/lib"

O.K. - you might want to add it to /etc/ in the long run, but ...

> then I ran the game again and I got the message:
> "segmentation fault received. core dumped".

That sounds like an application problem ...

> Also, I can't run the demos that came with the ggi source, 

That's strange and should be investigated. What driver are you using ?

> funny colors appear on the screen and my computer crashes. 

That sounds much like SVGAlib. Is your SVGAlib working normally ?

Do you have an X server handy to run the applications on ?

LibGGI will display on about anything it can find. 

What graphics card do you have ? Maybe it is supported by fbcon or kgicon ...
That would spare you the typical SVGAlib nightmares ...

> Do u know where could I get good documentation on ggi and gii; 
> the documentation on your web page is bad, specially for newbies like me.

The docs should be in the snapshot you have. try subdir lib/libggi/doc.

CU, Andy

Andreas Beck              |  Email :  <>

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