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  From: Jos Hulzink <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 12:41:41 +0200 (CEST)


On Sat, 21 Aug 1999, Martin Lexa wrote:

>   If I insert kgicon I'll got 640x480x8(15,16,24,32) vert. r. r. 100Hz.
> So this is probably error (bug). Because there should be lower values
> for higher bpp. I'll look at it as I'll have more time.
>   I think the problem is in chipset driver.
>   So we probably use hack to decrease some values in selected depth to
> get lower vert. r. r. or is there any proper way? (Jos?)

The maximum refreshrate depends on the memory speed. For standard ViRGE,
MCLK max = 50 MHz, for ViRGE DX it is 66 MHz, 1 Cycle Read. The kgicon
driver does not set MCLK, and (IIRC) doesn't use these values. For the KGI
driver, I'm working on this.

Besides, flickering is caused by the use of STREAMS processor It must be
shut down for 8 bpp and 15/16 bpp modes asap, for we're slowing things
down this way. 

Third: The FIFO code Martin sent to this list was said to cause crashes.
If these are solved, I'll apply the patch.

Last: I don't have much time at the moment :( My development is down to 0


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