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  From: James Simmons <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 09:35:47 -0400 (EDT)

Re: Svgalib Wrapper

> But there is another problem:
> When I try to start my ggi program in a svga-capable textconsole, I
> get:
> GGI_DISPLAY=(null)
> display-fbcon: Couldnīt open Framebuffer Device ...
> SVGAlib target called from the SVGAlib wrapper! Terminating.

Our you using framebufer consoles? If not then you will get this error.
>From what you said below you can run libsvga fine so I assume that you
don't have fbcon. You don't want to run native libsvga with fbcon unless
you want your system to be really fubared hard.

> When I set GGI_DISPLAY to svga:
> SVGAlib target called from the SVGAlib wrapper! Terminating.

You have installed the ggi wrapper for svgalib in place of svgalib. With
ggi you have TWO options with libsvga. One options is to replace libsvga
with the ggi svga wrapper. This allows you to run libsvga programs in X
windows, fbcon etc. The second option is to not replace libsvga with the
wrapper and have native libsvga as one type of display you can run a ggi
program on. If you don't have card not supported by fbcon then use the
second option. If you do have a card that fbcon supports then don't use
the old libsvga.

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