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  From: Philipp Gühring <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 02:38:13 +0200

Svgalib Wrapper

>I can't reproduce this, and the palemu target hasn't changed since
>before 2.0beta2. What version do you have of relevant libs?
I already found that problem.
Now my program is running in 8-Bit X and Palemu without problems.

>if((vis=ggiOpen(NULL))==NULL) return 0;
>if(ggiSetGraphMode(vis,320,200,320,200,GT_8BIT)) return 0;
>printf("Grafikmodus ok.\n");

But there is another problem:

When I try to start my ggi program in a svga-capable textconsole, I
display-fbcon: Couldn´t open Framebuffer Device ...
SVGAlib target called from the SVGAlib wrapper! Terminating.

When I set GGI_DISPLAY to svga:
SVGAlib target called from the SVGAlib wrapper! Terminating.

What do I have to do to get ggi programs running with the svgalib?
I tried seejpeg in the same environment, and it works, so svgalib
can´t be the problem. Or?

Many thanks for all the help,
~ Philipp Gühring    
~  ICQ UIN: 6588261

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