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  To  :
  Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 17:01:15 +0200 (MET DST)

Re: beep

HI !

> beep ()
> every kind of terminal can do a beep. but how do i beep with ggi ?

You don't. As you say yourself, beeping isn't really the job of a graphics API.
Of course you can write a beepExtension, if you feel like it. It's pretty 

> i think beeping is not REALLY a job for ggi but then....
> i cannot use xbell, since i might be on a vcsa.
> i cannot use esound since i might be on a machine without esound.

What about putch('\a'); ?

> is there a solution ?

Extension or the above, or do overkill and use Wouter's LibGSI. Which will
allow you to beep with stereo effect, doppler and all.

CU, ANdy

Andreas Beck              |  Email :  <>

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