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  From: Jos Hulzink <>
  To  : GGI Development <>
  Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1999 17:38:37 +0200 (CEST)

Matrox GGI accellerator


Writing the ViRGE accelleration code, I took a look at the Matrox driver.
The first thing I saw was a mmap of the accelleration registers in the ggi
driver ! (In other words: Every user has access the accelleration
registers (including DMA command registers) and mess with the system.) I thought
this was one of the reasons why Linus has bad thoughts about ggi....

I know, the driver is still young, but in my eyes, if we want the GGI
project to be taken seriously, we have to prevent code like this as much
as possible, or else our opponents will say,'See I can crash the system',
and they are danm right.

My -not in the CVS tree yet- driver for ViRGE uses ioctl, and will do that
until I got a real good workaround. Oh, and ioctl isn't that slow, (11 x
faster copybox in 8bpp mode isn't a bad value for good old ViRGE on a P
II 233)

Sorry if this mail sounds negative, but after the discussion why GGI isn't
taken seriously on this list, seeing a driver like this scares me.

Or am I wrong ?

The best accelerator for a computer running MS Windows is FREE and called

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