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  From: Jon M. Taylor <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 18:54:30 -0700 (PDT)

Re: Question about mesa 3.1

On Wed, 18 Aug 1999, Aaron Van Couwenberghe wrote:

> OK... that settles it! as soon as I can get access to a recent source tree
> I'll build some new packages.

	Cool.  Perhaps the Berlin people will finally be able to stop using
that ancient Mesa3.0 package now...?
> > what you mean.  GGIMesa's KGI target is being designed to handle command
> > FIFOs generically, regardless of whether the FIFO back-end is ioctls,
> > ping-pong buffers, direct access to a hardware FIFO, KGI 0.9 FIFOs, etc.
> So, yes, GGIMesa will be accelerated under KGI. That was my real question,
> sorry ;)
> One more question. Has Uwe's API been changed at all?

> > P.S. It turns out that my legal worries about Uwe's code in GGIMesa may 
> > have been unfounded - it is all LGPL, so as long as ggimesa.c and 
> > ggiglut.c are compiled into seaparate .o files and only linked to the 
> > rest of Mesa and GLUT respectively, it should all be OK right?  I hope so 
> > - I'd really like to see you be able to update the .debs....
> That's great! I was just under the impression that his code was relicensed
> without his authorization. 
> Maybe I misunderstood? Or maybe this was never
> really done?

	No, this was a thinko on my part.  I scanned the headers looking for
the string "LGPL", and when I didn't see it I mistakenly assumed that it was
using plain GPL.  Sorry about that.  It says "Library General Public


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