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  From: Steve Cheng <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 15:36:56 -0400 (EDT)

Re: Ping-pong buffers on KGIcon are here!

On Wed, 18 Aug 1999, Jon M. Taylor wrote:

> 	We have the mansync helper already, perhaps we could use a new
> "mandbaccelmutex" helper which would wrap all primitive calls with functions
> that would map/unmap the appropriate DBs automatically?  Using this helper,
> like using mansync, would be a performance-costly kludge-around, but at least
> it would be optional and not interfere with anything when it wasn't being
> used.  And, like the mansync helper, its primary role would be to help 
> people get legacy code up and running quickly.

I don't see any need to integrate this with LibGGI and make more work
for target writers -- rather have this code compiled with the "legacy"
LibGGI application and inlined with it.  (I originally objected to
mansync for the same reason.)

Steve Cheng

www: <>;

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