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  From: Andreas Beck <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 20:09:02 +0200

Re: Ping-pong buffers on KGIcon are here!

> > > > While doing so, it calls a LibGGI primitive with the DB still locked.
> > > It is essential for Glide and (future) DirectX operation that this
> > > (calling GGI primitives while a DB is acquired) is not allowed.
> > Why ? 

> Becuase:
> a) Acquiring/Releasing the DB may be a very costly operation, it
>    should not be done too much, and definitely not implicitly.
> b) We'd have to stuff unnecessary code in every ggi primitive to
>    check whether any DB is acquired or not.
> c) I see no gain at all in allowing this. Well-written applications
>    simply shouldn't mix DB access with ggi primitives.

O.K. - I see no problem in disallowing it (other than a few users whining
or doing it wrong). However:

How do we do that correctly ourselves in the linear-* libs, then ?

We would basically have to do the very same thing like an app that acquires

> Then wrapper libs can free/allocate the DB themselves when necessary.
> That is an exception, and not something well-written applications
> should do.

O.K. - so you propose that when we have a wrapper call that maps to a LibGGI
call, the wrapper should check if it has mapped the DB for the app and then
unmap/remap it - right ? O.K.

CU, Andy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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