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  From: James Simmons <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 09:30:15 -0400 (EDT)

Re: kgicon C&T

> >  Double buffering is not defined for fbdev :( 
> But panning is, so ask for: yres_virtual == 2*yres when calling
> FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO, and use FBIOPAN_DISPLAY to flip between the
> top half and the bottom half.  Right James ?

Yes you can do that. What I was talking about where cards that do have a
seperate buffer for double buffering. With fbdev you can't access those
buffers. Also fbdev still doesn't support cards that can have two monitors
hooked up to it (complain mode) :( Thier should be a test to see if a card
has a seperate double buffer and if not then use the above method. 

> Doesn't work on VESAFB though unless you set some kernel command line
> option (something like "video=vesafb:ypan", IIRC).


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