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  From: Brian S. Julin <>
  To  : Morten Rolland <>
  Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 19:28:16 -0400 (EDT)

Re: Ping-pong buffers on KGIcon are here!

On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, Morten Rolland wrote:
> > That would qualify as a broken application.
> You mean the app is broken if it doesn't flush accels (manually)
> before painting the framebuffer?  I hope it is not illegal to
> use a DirectBuffer along with GGI-primitives...

No, you can mix them, but you have to flush, and take the performance
penalty on broken hardware.  If it weren't for the fact that the
major extension libs (Sprite/Bob 2D and 3D) are in various states
of incompletion, personally I'd go so far as to call any app that 
used DirectBuffer at all "broken", since it's only meant for things 
like doing easy ports from other API's with direct buffers.  But with 
only LibGGI itself complete, it's currently the only way to do some things.


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