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  To  :
  Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 11:29:47 +0200 (MET DST)

Re: [KGI] Detection of PCI device

Hi !

> > No. I use the very same source, with very minor hacks (exactly at the place
> > we were talking about) for a different OS.
> 	Let's get that stuff properly integrated, then.

O.K. - do you think the pci_get_next_device I suggest would suffice ?

Implementing the existing find_* functions on top of that is dead simple,
and I'd even suggest to do it "manually", as this might even be quicker 
and cleaner to code than filling up an obscure struct with some data
and parse it when it gets back.

Would look a bit like

do {
	if (this_dev_is_for_me(pciid)) break;
} while(pci_get_next_device(&pciid));

wher the if might actually be some more ifs, as the driver might handle 
several similar chipsets.

> > > KGI 0.9 has a 'system' driver which can abstract the OS and I/O
> > So has the current KGI. Inferior maybe, but it works fine.
> 	I don't know what you are referring to.  The chipset driver?

No. the file fbcon-kgi and the includes in sys. I only modified those for 
suidkgi and the other OS I keep hinting about.

CU, Andy

Andreas Beck              |  Email :  <>

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