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  From: Club Neon <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 02:20:37 -0400

Re: GGI and XFree86 and stuff

> I am not sure the older 801/805's are supported, but haven't looked
> closely.  All the RAMDACs look to be supported already.  Some of the
> extra code to support 64V2 and A64 should be in s3lib already, as I
> stole it from the XF86 v3 server.

How about the S3 911A/924?  The XFree server only supports 8 bit mode, while
the cards can do 24 bit.  SVGAlib does a little better it attempts modes
above 8 bit, but anything requiring high data bandwidths (even hi-res 8 bit
modes) get filled with noise (more noise the higher the data rate).  That
very problem was discussed about a different card not too long ago here.

Anyway, just wondering about those chips, Win 3.1 did 640x480x24 bit on
mine, 95 just does up to16 bit, NT only 8 bit, and as I said, now XFree also
only 8 bit.

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