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  From: Philipp Gühring <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 18:55:25 +0200

ggi / gii problems, please help


I have several problems with GGI and GII:

1. The mouse.
I have a GGI Visual, which should react on mouse(or other pointer)
I tried the following:

printf("Fehler: Maus konnte nicht geöffnet werden!\n");

  gii_event_mask mask;
  gii_event event;
  struct timeval tval;
      case evPtrAbsolute:

But it says that the mouse resource is temporarily unavailable.
Additionally I have the question how connect the events to my visual.
I somewhere read that ggi provides this connection, but I could not find
details about it.

Has anyone running sourcecode for those problems? (Please send it to me, or give me the URL)

2. Color modes
What I need from the programmers side is an 8 Bit (256 colors) visual.
When I am in an X-Server, which uses 16 Bits, my program won't run.
Is there a possibility to let ggi automatically convert the thing to
the needed resolution? ( I don't want to tell the users they have to
restart X in 8 Bit mode)
What I currently do is to ask ggi for a Direct Buffer, and use it.
This is no problem with X, but when I try it with SVGALIB, then it
says there would be no /dev/fb/0
I tried to install KGI, but it crashed my machine, when I loaded the
kernel module.

3. Packaging
I found no documentation about how to create a distribution:
I will compile a rpm package, which the users will have to install from the CD-Rom.
Will the program (normally linked to ggi) work, if the users do not have
ggi already installed? How can I make it as easy as possible for them? 
What exactly needs to be installed?

Thank you for all the help that will come!

Many greetings,
~ Philipp Gühring    
~  ICQ UIN: 6588261

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