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  From: Brian S. Julin <>
  To  : Jos Hulzink <>
  Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 09:30:47 -0400 (EDT)

Re: GGI and XFree86 and stuff

On Thu, 12 Aug 1999, Jos Hulzink wrote:
> We discussed this before. Trying to see all S3 cards as one big family is
> not done, for the chips differ far too much, so it would make the code
> unreadable. 
> Besides, you would not do me a pleasure if you start writing yet 
> another ViRGE driver. I already got the idea my job is useless for the big
> kernel guys still don't seem to understand the joy of KGI / GGI. Can't we
> just write one driver for many chips instead of making many drivers for
> the one chip ?

Might I suggest a compromise... Jos breaks out the less Virge-specific parts of
his driver (chip ID, MMIO region select) into separate files that other
S3 driver modules can include, and there be one main file for each major
S3 family.  Maybe Jos would care to say what he sees those major families
as being.  There's probably a good balance point between code readability
and code duplication to be found.

Especially chip ID and common register defs should not be duplicated.
It isn't functional, but see the wd90cxx source for an example of that.


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