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  From: Jeff Garzik <>
  To  :,
  Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 20:05:45 -0400

GGI and XFree86 and stuff

Hello GGI guys :)

Is anyone working on a wrapper that will allow XFree86 4.0 drivers to be
built from the existing KGIcon interface?

Also, I've been hacking on Erdi Chen's generic s3 code (which supports
S3 savage3/4), to create a generic S3 ANSI library supporting most S3
chips.  There is really good S3 code on the 'net, it would be great to
collect it all into one place.  For those who have seen it, I like
nVidia's riva_hw interface, and would like to do something like that.

The results of a night's worth of hacking is at   Contributed code and ideas
for an API are definitely welcome.  Help fight code entropy!  :)


Entropy requires no maintenance.
                -- Markoff Chaney

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