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  From: Rodolphe Ortalo <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 16:36:13 +0200

Re: CVS error / S3 FBCON accel

Jos Hulzink wrote:

>  Can someone insert the attached files in
> /degas/lib/libggi/default/fbdev/

CVS works for me (I am in France so... it may help.)
I am inserting the files on your behalf.
But: the TGZ archive you sent contains Makefile and ; I guess only the should be

Furthermore there is a libtool generated file
in s3/virge/ : I guess it should not be
committed either ?
Finally: in s3/virge/visual.c the initial comment
still states Marcus as the author and mga2164w
as the target chipset... ;-) I'm changing this
to refer to you.

Apart from that, I am currently commiting the files you


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