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  From: Michael Gersten <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 7 Aug 99 23:38 PDT

Re: Accels and /dev/gfx.

When you say that VC switching will be disabled on open(/dev/fb),
are you saying that I can choose between virtual consoles and
text mode, or a single console and the penguin logo? (And high
refresh -- much more important).

PLEASE, have a way for the user to say "I'm just doing plain text
emulation in graphics mode" so we can keep the virtual consoles.
Even if it turns into a 4 MB dump from graphics memory to swap file
by some user program.

I don't want to have to start X just to get both high refresh
and multiple windows. (Lets face it, between window borders and
screen panels, you loose too many pixels on the terminal windows.)

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