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  From: Andreas Beck <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 7 Aug 1999 18:35:52 +0200

Re: Shared GGI

> > > 	I have completed an alpha version of GGI in shared 
> > > memory so multiple processes can share a single ggi_visual

> Wouldn't it be a lot nicer and simpler if you made that
> a GGI-target? 

That is not possible. He allocates even the _visual_ itself in shared mem,
if I got him right. This allows to access the visual from outside processes.

Targets already get the visual, preallocated, to fill it out. He basically
needs anything LibGGI ever allocates in SHM for that.

This is IMHO not possible to implement in a GGI target. If it were, that
would of course be the best solution. So if someone has an idea on how to do
it, I'd like to hear it.

My idea about it was to use his patches to route all malloc/free stuff
through ggi_malloc/free/... and then one could use LD_PRELOAD or similar
mechanisms to override the standard binding.

CU, ANdy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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