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  From: Antonio Campos <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 00:09:12 +0200

Futuro de GGI

I'm totally new  to this newgroup, but I'm very interested in the future
of the GGI Project.
I've seen in the mails that XFree Project is not very interested in GGI
(I think this is a mistake indeed).
Could somebody explain why this no interes?. Do XFree developers think
GGI is no technically adecuate?
I agree with the idea of the GGI developers of letting the kernel
control graphic tasks that a suid root program
(as the X-Server) shouldn't.
What can we do to increase the interes in GGI by those guys in the XFree
Project, so the development
of Linux graphics don't get divided (in a bad way I suppose)?
Any ideas?
Any irc contact?

Sorry for my bad english, I'm a spanish boy that didn't write english
text for a long time... :-(

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