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  From: Tristan Wibberley <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 17:02:07 +0100 (BST)

RE: Some things that seem to be missing

On 26-Aug-98 Olivier Galibert wrote:
>- the library  is not thread safe.   This is bad  bad bad bad  bad bad
>  bad.   This is going back  5-10 years in  time.  It makes code using
>  active threaded components a tremendous PITA to handle.  It probably
>  makes gwt next to useless for anything but X.   Oh, and did I say it
>  is bad?

GWT will be thread safe, it is currently very experimental code. As a couple of 
things in it's implementation settle, so threadsafety shall be added :)


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